Did you know that wearing dentures could potentially save your life?
Recent research has uncovered a fascinating link between denture use and cardiovascular health. This blog dives into a groundbreaking study that reveals how maintaining good oral health with dentures can significantly impact your overall well-being.
Let’s dive into the key findings and what they mean for you.
Study Overview:
Published in the Journal of Dentistry in November 2022, this study followed 1,735 edentulous older adults over 27 years to explore the relationship between denture use and cardiovascular health.
Researchers aimed to determine if wearing dentures could modify the association between cardiovascular health profiles and mortality risk among edentulous elderly.
Key Findings:
- Denture wearers had a lower mortality risk: Edentulous patients with ideal cardiovascular health who wore dentures had a significantly lower risk of death compared to those who did not wear dentures.
- Improved oral function leads to better health: Wearing dentures improved oral functions like chewing and speaking, which in turn promoted better overall health.
- Potential reduction in heart disease mortality: The study found that denture wearers had a lower risk of dying from heart disease.
Insights from Dr. B Dental Solutions
Maintaining good oral health is essential, especially for those with fixed denture implants. At Dr. B Dental Solutions, we recognize the importance of clean and functional dentures for your overall well-being.
Discover the Benefits for You or Your Loved Ones with Dentures
For those with fixed denture implants, it’s crucial to keep them clean and well-maintained. Our Fixed Hybrid Kit is designed to keep your fixed denture implants clean, refreshed, and moisturized, ensuring they remain secure and comfortable.
For those with removable dentures, our Ultrasonic Cleaner is an excellent choice. By maintaining your dentures properly, you not only improve your oral health but also potentially enhance your overall health and longevity.
For more detailed insights, read the full study here.